Focus Areas
Networking, SAN, Storage, Security, Compute
Past Companies and Positions
RTX JWST Hardware Engineering Lead
Alma Mater
Bachelors of Science in Information Systems Security from American Military University
Years of Experience
Favorite Vacation Spot
San Diego, California
What Makes TVAR Solutions Different
TVAR employees created meaningful and beneficial relationships with their partners and customers. TVAR cares about their partners and customers and treats them like they’re a part of one team.
When I’m Not At Work, I…
I enjoy living an active lifestyle. There aren’t many sports that I have not at least tried. I enjoy team sports but I don’t have a lot of time for them these days. I generally enjoy board sports the most such as surfing and snowboarding. Aside from sports I like to do a little bit of everything.
More Important Lesson You’ve Learned
The most important lesson that I learned over a decade ago is that it is ok to be wrong or not know the answer all the time. It is easier to ask for help than it is to struggle to accomplish one thing. By asking for help you will learn more things faster.
Focus Areas
Past Companies and Positions
Naval Research Lab – Systems Administrator
Alma Mater
James Madison University – B.S. ISAT; Johns Hopkins University – M.S. Information Systems Engineering
Years of Experience
In another life, I’m pretty sure I was…
A farmer
Favorite Sports Teams
Pittsburgh Steelers, James Madison Dukes
Favorite Type of Food
Home-cooked Italian
When I’m Not at Work I Am…
am either cooking, disc golfing, or finding a new game to try
What/who are you most influenced by?
My family
Most important lesson you’ve learned
Understanding the big picture can be just as important as knowing all the small details.
Focus Areas
Customer Support Representative
Past Positions
Gladhill’s Meat Market
BS, Economics
Years of Experience
What Makes TVAR Solutions Different?
TVAR is a cohesive unit that combines the resiliency of a talented sales organization with the flexibility of a small business.
Top 3 Books
Gödel, Escher, Bach: an Eternal Golden Braid, A Bridge Too Far, Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There
Favorite App
Who Are You Most Influenced By?
Margaret Thatcher
Favorite Vacation Spot
Most Important Lesson You’ve Learned
Timeliness is no substitute for accuracy.
Focus Areas
Sales Support
Past Companies or Positions
Cogent Communication
Alma Mater
Missouri State University
Years of Experience
Top 3 Movies
Ferris Bueller’s day off, Remember the Titans and Friday Series
When I’m Not At Work, I…
like to workout
Favorite App
Not Many People Know that I…
Can do the splits
Favorite Vacation Spot
More Important Lesson You’ve Learned
It’s never too late.
Focus Areas
My areas of focus are customer support, quote generation and order processing.
Past Companies and Positions
Amazon Web Services
Alma Mater
Business Administration Degree, Towson University
Years of Experience
Favorite restaurant or type of food
Soft Pretzels
When I’m not at work I…
am walking with my rescue pup, and my husband.
What/who are you most influenced by?
My Family
Not many people know that I…
am an Advanced Scuba Diver.
Favorite vacation spot
Isle of Palms, South Carolina
Most important lesson you’ve learned
A little kindness goes a long way, professionally and in your personal life.
Focus Areas
Supporting customers, generating quotes, and processing orders
Alma Mater
Oklahoma State
Years of Experience
Favorite Food
Love Cheeseburgers
When I’m Not At Work, I…
Write, cook, and excersize
What/Who Are You Most Influenced By?
My friends and family
Favorite Vacation Spot
Any cabin by a lake
Most important lesson you’ve learned
Consistency is the key to success.
Focus Areas
Account Executive, Army, OPM, EPA, Peace Corps, Labor, Education
Past Companies and Positions
Impres Technology, Four Points Technology
Alma Mater
Hahnemann University
Years of Experience
What Makes TVAR Solutions Different
The culture at TVAR is amazing!
In Another Life, I’m Pretty Sure I Was…
Cleopatra – or so I’ve been told by 3 psychics stopping me on the street.
Favorite Sports Teams
Philadelphia Phillies
When I’m Not At Work, I…
Spend time with my family
Top 3 Movies
Paradise Road, The Color Purple, The Godfather
Favorite App
Not Many People Know That I
Traveled Europe singing
Celebrity Doppleganger
When I was younger I would get Val Kilmer a lot. Now we’re both overweight, so it probably still applies.
Most Important Lesson You’ve Learned
Listen! Take the time to listen to the customer. Ask questions. Don’t try to walk in with a product if you don’t know they have a need!
Favorite Quote
“Well done is better than well said” -Benjamin Franklin
Focus Areas
Alma Mater
Emory & Henry College ’11 – International Business
Years of Experience
Favorite Sports Teams
New England Patriots
Favorite Music Artists & Favorite Book
Music Artist: Gucci Mane / Favorite Author: Dave Barry
When I’m Not at Work, I…
Try to keep myself active by jogging, golf, or flag football
Favorite App
Favorite Vacation Spot
Rhode Island in the Summer
Most Valuable Sales Experience
Always be present when needed and always be prepared for when you’re asked to be present
Focus Areas
Past Companies and Positions
Dell Technologies – Storage Account Executive
Alma Mater
Kansas State University. Marketing & Economics
Years of Experience
Favorite Sports Teams
Kansas City Chiefs, Royals & K-State
Favorite Type of Food
When I’m Not at Work I Am…
Golfing, at the beach or playing with my 2 Goldendoodles
Favorite smartphone app?
All Trails
Favorite vacation spot
Most important lesson you’ve learned
Always do right by your customer customers. Making sure you are taking care of their needs every step along the way is crucial.
Focus Areas
Federal Healthcare
Past Companies and Positions
Business Development Executive – IMPRES, Dell Alum.
Alma Mater
St. Edward’s University, Criminal Justice, Psychology
Years of Experience
Favorite restaurant or type of food
When I’m not at work I…
I am at my 3 daughters’ sport/school events
Favorite smartphone app?
What/who are you most influenced by?
My Dad
Celebrity doppleganger
Blake Shelton
Most valuable sales experience
Take care of your customers and they will take care of you.