Erik Hernandez

Focus Areas

Federal Government

Past Companies and Positions

Proudly served with the USAF. Prior Government Service, Fortune 100 and 500 companies. Nimble Storage, HPE

Alma Mater

First and foremost, I am a Zoomie USAF- Aim High! Multiple degrees in Engineering, Computer Science, Networking and IT Security

Years of Experience

30 years of experience working with all various technologies in all different capacities

What makes TVAR Solutions different?

TVAR is the little giant. I have served on “all sides of the fence” and am impressed with the interactions and feedback from customers and manufactures before I made the move to this team. Relationships are a focus and the ability to make a difference is very real here.

Favorite Sports Team

Denver Broncos

Favorite Food

A good Philly Cheesesteak!

Paul Beilke

Focus Areas

NASA, Department of Commerce, and National Science Foundation

Past Companies and Positions

Lockheed Martin Missiles and Space, Networking and Security Technology Companies

Alma Mater

CSU Sacramento, BS and University of San Francisco, MBA

Years of Experience


What makes TVAR Solutions different?

The People- our energy and fanatical attention to customer service

Favorite smartphone app?


What/who are you most influenced by?

My Family and our growth mindset

Favorite vacation spot

The Mountains in Montana

Celebrity doppleganger

a young Ronald Reagan (for now)

Most valuable sales experience

People buy from people, so treat them like you would like to be treated and not a transaction.

Chris Norton

Focus Area

US Space Force

Past Companies and Positions

VMware, EMC, NetApp

Alma Mater

Villanova University, BSEE

Years of Experience


What makes TVAR Solutions different?

The people

Favorite sports teams

Colorado Avalanche

When I’m not at work I…

Ski, hike, listen to music.

Not many people know that I…

…am an unapologetic lifelong fan of heavy metal music.

Most important lesson you’ve learned

Treat people well. Always.